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Donald J. Koosis
382 páginas
Ano 1997
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A must-have book that shows Web users how to implement rich interactive content and design their own applets for the Internet! -- Covers the programming basics of using Java including hardware and software requirements -- Describes why Java is a significant programming language and explains some of its capabilities -- Shows users how to make the jump from HTML to programming in Java easily -- Outlines the basics of object-oriented programming -- Takes users step-by-step through implementing real-time updates on Web pages -- Leads users to the spot where they can get their own Java Developers Kit -- Focuses on designing and creating original applets rather than using pre-existing ones -- Provides plenty of examples on how to find, download, and extract archives for JDK -- Describes how to execute interactive tutorials on Web pages -- Find out how to add games and animation to Web pages Java language is hot, and developers want to take advantage of all the new capabilities offered by Java. This book describes how to create Java enhanced Web pages by including animation, games, and other interactive content. Java Programming For Dummies, 2(nd) Edition starts at the beginning by describing how to download Java from the Internet along with easy to follow configuration instructions from e-mail. Java not only helps developers create enhanced Web pages, but is a general purpose language for stand-alone non-Internet programming. Users will find out about data types, decision and loop statements, and the basics of object-oriented programming in this new revised edition.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: -

ISBN 13: -

Editora: For Dummies

Edição: -

Ano: 1997

Páginas: 382

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